1st Scouts – Covid-19 Closures
Dear Parents/Guardians,
1st Sutton Coldfield Scout Group have received the following advice from the Scout Association.
“Late on Monday afternoon, the Prime Minister has said that everyone in the UK should now avoid non-essential travel and contact with others.
Suspension of face-to-face activities
Given this guidance, all face-to-face Scout meetings, activities and events must be suspended from today, Tuesday, 17 March 2020. This …
1st Scouts Archery Practice Oct 18
A night of Archery Practice at the 1st Scout Den…
1st Cubs @ Beaudesert
1st Cubs enjoyed a day of activities at the Sutton Coldfield Cub Camp being held at Beaudesert. Here they are while they are at the Archery activity with their Leader Andy.
SCW District Archery Comp Results 2018
1st Scouts took the SCW District Archery Trophy for the 4th year in a row with a clean sweep 1st, 2nd and 3rd places going to 1st Scouts. In addition, 1st Scouts finished in 4th and 3 at equal 5th locking out the top 7 places. The 2nd Scouts managed to scrape in with an 8th place behind the 1st.
The …
SCW District Archery Competition 2018
District News: Just a reminder that we have SCW District Archery Competition this coming weekend 24th and 25th March both days 9.30am – 12.00pm at the 1st Sutton Coldfield Scout Den, Behind St. Michael’s Church hall, 192 Boldmere Rd, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5UE. The competition is open to all Scouts and Explorers registered with a Sutton Coldfield West Scout Group …