Parents tell us that Scouting gives their children more confidence, responsibility, a broader set of friends, a chance to pursue things they might not get to do otherwise, adventure and an extended family.
‘Children learn social skills as well as practical ones. They have to remember things to bring the following week so they have to take a bit of responsibility for their own stuff!’
‘When I see Ella at Cubs, doing things for herself and her friends, I’m so impressed. It helps you step back and let them get on with it. ’
‘Scouting helps parents prepare their kids for life’
Parents’ FAQs
My local Group has a waiting list, why is this?
We have over 30,000 young people on waiting lists around the country due to a shortage of adults. If there is a waiting list for the Group your child hopes to attend you could think about joining us yourself. We always welcome any help from parents.
Will my child be insured when on Scout activities?
Yes. All Members are covered under our Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Policy.
How much does it cost to send my child to Scouts?
This will vary depending on your Group but it is likely to be between £50 and £100 per year which is collected weekly, monthly, termly or annually depending on local arrangements. This fee usually covers the cost of the hire or upkeep of the meeting place and so on. Trips, camps and activities are usually charged separately. Cost should not be a barrier to anyone taking part in Scouting and if this is an issue, you can speak to the local Section Leader in confidence.
What do Scouts wear and where can I buy it?
Scouts wear a uniform of blue trousers and a coloured sweatshirt, shirt or polo shirt (which varies depending on the age range). All Scouts (adults and young people) wear a coloured scarf or necker, the colour of which varies depending on the Group. Uniform can either be bought from Scout Shops or your local district Scout Shop (the adults in your child’s Group will be able to give you more information).
Is there a planned programme of activities for Scouts?
Yes. Behind the fun of Scouting, there is an educational programme. The main programme areas are: Outdoor and Adventure; Global; Community; Fit for Life; Creative; and Beliefs and Attitudes. Group leaders are trained to deliver this programme.
My child is a Scout but we are moving house, how can I enrol him/her in a new Group?
Firstly, you will need to tell your child’s current Group that you are leaving the area. Then call the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818 and we will be able to put you in touch with a volunteer in the area you are moving to. If you are moving abroad we will be able to give you the details of the Scout head office in this country.